●  we use every possible open source of information from around the world


●  we collect relevant data reasonably, saving the money of our clients


●  we develop unique standards for every project and use unified standards within each project


we do not use only well-known methods but find individual solutions for non-typical tasks


●  we constantly refine technologies we use


●  we understand that the product we make must serve to making best decisions


●  we accumulate knowledge and keep it up to date

●  attention and promptness


●  largest possible scope of open sources


●  data verification


●  turning information into knowledge


●  transparency of methods of data collection and processing


●  providing solid basis for optimal decisions


Our mission is to develop information culture in professional environment as well as in the “outer” world. We strive to make the use of information more efficient during collection, systematization, storing, and interpretation. We offer an evolutionally new understanding of


1 efficient use of information to open for our clients the shortest way to making the most rational decisions.

Insight Analytics agency was founded in 2009. For more than 10 years we have been helping our clients solve communication task, providing them with an impartial and clear data, something we do with passion. During this time, we have created several systems of information analysis, several dozens of information policy strategies, established solid partnership with more than 200 clients, but the most important thing is we formed a team of professionals capable of solving every task related to open information sources.


The results of our work permit our clients to create efficient communication systems, find right solutions in public conflicts, lobby their interests. 88% of our clients made accurate decisions immediately after receiving the results of our work.

Insight Analytics deals with information culture. We do market analysis for key players in different segments and find communications that lead to success. By systemizing data and providing clear conclusions, we create and conduct a foundation our clients can build their strategy on.


To solve complex tasks for our clients, we have high-quality specialists with 20+ years of experience. Each new project has its own group of analysts experienced in creating projects for companies and business luminaries. We realise the incredible development rate of information services, accept new challenges and enhance our skills.


We are eager to abandon the “straightforward” analytics to turn information into knowledge. To help our clients better understand the performance degree of their communications, we develop new technology to use ourselves and to pass to our clients. We have already created several algorithms to assess PR performance, mobile apps for company heads and a lot of other products our clients use in their everyday work and long-term planning.


We offer a simple but flexible presentation of data, which allows to rapidly make actual conclusions. We only see success in our work if it helps take perfect decisions.


Our motto: It is simple to make right decisions!







Our history

© AGENCY INSIGHT | 2009-2019

Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

Moscow, Kashirskoe road, 3, ed. 2, bld.. 9, 4th floor, room 23

+7 (495) 287 45 81, insight@agency-insight.ru

Alexander Shumilin



For media: +7 (926) 648-10-77, info@agency-insight.ru

Tatiana Korsakova



HR: +7 (926) 604-69-41, job@agency-insight.ru

Irina Zhukova



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